Voss Folk High School

– a non-formal education college

Live in Norway for year and make friends for life!  Immerse yourself in something you're passionate about or try something new.  Voss Folk High School aims to further your personal development – in the classroom as well as outdoors.

Immerse yourself in something you're passionate about or try something new. Folk high school gives you the freedom to do this!  No matter your career goal, joining our school community is the first step toward adult life and success.

Voss Folk High School is situated directly west from the town centre of Voss, just 1.5 km from the train station. The buildings are old, traditional, red-painted and quaint. This special style creates an atmosphere that is easy to enjoy. From the school there is a beautiful view of Vangsvatnet lake and the mountains surrounding Voss.

The school owns a mountain cabin close to Upsete station on the Bergen-Oslo railway, and also owns a forest cabin 600 meters above sea level, close to the school. The dorm buildings are spread around the campus and so are buildings where we teach. Music & video and art studios, "data room", a gymnasium and other classrooms are open for activities until 11PM every day.

Our school was founded in 1895. We have many proud cultural traditions. Our school is not a Christian school.

We have a staff with a positive attitude and a high level of competence and can give you good educational provision in a friendly, cheerful, and safe environment.

A year at Voss Folk High School is one you will never forget!


The school is well equipped, with

  • music studio
  • cinema
  • computer room
  • art studio
  • sitting room with fireplace
  • TV room
  • laundry room
  • weight room
  • gym
  • a mountain cabin at Upsete
  • a cabin near the school
  • annual pass at Voss Resort and their ski slopes

The school year

School is in session mid-August and until mid-May. There are 185 days of instruction, including most Saturdays. During Fall, Christmas, Winter and Easter break/vacations, the school is closed.

The school day

The Folk High School is not constricted by a rigid curriculum. We are free to choose those subjects, themes and methods that best help us achieve our goals. Occasionally, we diverge completely from the schedule. This applies to three whole weeks where we concentrate on the "linje"subjects. Should the need arise, we will change the schedule to accommodate special challenges that demand that we all work together; such as large school projects.

The Schedule

Classes primarily take place in the daytime. However, folk high school is an active year with school activities during afternoon, evening and weekends: exciting projects, concerts, performances, evening skiing, trips with your class, cultural events and festive dinners.

  • morning assembly: every day
  • course subject: 2 ½ days
  • common subjects and activities: 2 days
  • Saturday workshops most Saturdays
  • student nights
  • course weeks
  • projects
  • travels

Our courses

About Voss

Voss is a pulsating town with a population of approximately 16,000 in the county. Tourism, trade, farming and service industries are important economic factors in the municipality. Voss is a cultural town with many music festivals each year. We have an active sports community – we are proud to host the world´s largest extremsports festival each summer!
The Ole Bull Academy inspires and teaches folk-music traditions to students from the whole world. The annual Voss Jazz Festival 
highlights the relationship between folk-music and jazz. There are many craftsmen in the town who contribute to sustaining and developing old handcraft traditions.

The cultural life in Voss offers

  • concerts
  • renowned bands and artists
  • a new library and cinema
  • Vossa Jazz
  • Osafestivalen – folk and classical music festival
  • Extreme Sports Week

Financial information

To reserve the place NOK 2800. Board, lodging, costs for field trips, excursions, teaching materials, equipment rent, skipass etc for the whole school year: NOK kr. 102 500. In addition  you need to pay for the course, including a trip abroud from NOK 27.500 – 76.200. There will be an extra fee for single room NOK 7000. For some of the electives you need to pay extra.  If you quit during the year you have to pay for 6 weeks after the quitting date.


Write an application using this link.

Please visit folkehogskole.no

for more general information and practical information about attending a folk high school.



Please contact us for further information about the school and the courses, either by e-mail or by phone.